All AboUt FreakY LifEsTyLe

Thursday, September 17, 2009

feeding mosquitoes? (+.+)


I just wanted to meet up
and she wanted to write her essay for uni purpose
I wanted to help but I just can't
I don't know the course very well
but got little bit ideas that I could share with her
I don't like essay
and I know my essay writing really really bad
just don't want to make her things even worst

We were like hanging out at Starbucks again
That night I don't feel like going for away
due to my tiredness of working
I chose Starbucks
I not sure whether she likes it or not
but somehow she prefer better place rather than just the same
At first was reading the course outline
defining what should write in the short essay
and is just 400-500 words
But that night just give up
She just closed her ladtop and forget about it
She said she wanna do it herself

We started to chit chat
We could like chat unstoppable
not to say unstoppable
maybe we're talkative
I think I'm talkative (she might be reading this post)

Starbucks closed
still don't want to go back
when outside continue chatting
at first quite windy
but then out of sudden no wind but invited some unwanted "friends"
I thought she didn't feel the mosquitoes
she thought the same too
who knows
both of us complaining each other in the car once we heading back home
roughly 2am
didn't realize was 2am
normally we will just wait for phone calls or sms
but that night was just silent

P/S: Her dad saw me when I fetch
secret reveal soon's just nothing
we both knew each other family


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