Club Club Night
Club Club Night
what's the night?
yeah, bets u guys know
Clubbing Night
actually I'm looking forward though I been before I think twice
due to the music plus crowded
end up I don't really feel like going
but this time
I mean I came back from Melbourne
no doubt about it, don't care about those negative stuff that I think of
drove to office
hopped in to HONG's car (colleague) with Nigel
then there we go ....ZOUK
so crowded when we arrived
And everyone need to be scanned before entering
guess what...I can't manage to enter
due to my HOT BODY
I mean my temperatures (not my body shape)
yeah, so gonna rest for 5mins and scan again
I got a stickers with OK sign
I'm just OK to get
fits my outfit ^^
met Carine over there plus her friends
quite hard to move around
need to squeeze everywhere
anyway, 3am get off from ZOUK
arrived home 4am
the end of my clubbing night
phew, next time have to go a little bit early
otherwise can't get any seats or place to put our liquor
yeah, bets u guys know
Clubbing Night
actually I'm looking forward though I been before I think twice
due to the music plus crowded
end up I don't really feel like going
but this time
I mean I came back from Melbourne
no doubt about it, don't care about those negative stuff that I think of
drove to office
hopped in to HONG's car (colleague) with Nigel
then there we go ....ZOUK
so crowded when we arrived
And everyone need to be scanned before entering
guess what...I can't manage to enter
due to my HOT BODY
I mean my temperatures (not my body shape)
yeah, so gonna rest for 5mins and scan again
I got a stickers with OK sign

fits my outfit ^^
met Carine over there plus her friends
quite hard to move around
need to squeeze everywhere
anyway, 3am get off from ZOUK
arrived home 4am
the end of my clubbing night
phew, next time have to go a little bit early
otherwise can't get any seats or place to put our liquor
oh !!! go zouk clubbing !!
i oso nvr go before ler...
haiyo actuali is good or bad depends on what u did me it's totally healthy lifestyle neh...nvr do those x3x4 things thr mar~~
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