A day with full use of time.....
Last Wednesday, my college had a PAM Lecture @ Taylor's Subang Campus at 9.30am-12.00pm, LT1. And the Archidex07 speakers are CM Lee & Kapil Gupta will speaks about their works. Both of them studied in AA. That Uni is super damn damn damn good. And not easy to enter that school. Now they be a lecturer in AA teaching students and and continue learning from there too.
Is a great talk and also a boring talk. Coz long time didn't go college already and need to so early woke up drive to college. HAHA
Who say study in Taylor's College is rich ppl? 2 alphabets lost also don't wan to fill it up.
And there the talks go.........
One of my friend name DENNIS....muahaha...at last i post his face in my blog. Everytime delete his photo in my camera when we go site visit.
That's me. Ntg to do. Simply take a pix.
After listening the 3 hours talk by the lecturers. I went back continue with my schedule which is Baking Cheese Cake. This time i choose the other taips of Cheese Cake named Oreo Chocolate Chips Cheese Cake. Wat a long name...donno can success or not? Was wondering before i start baking.

Above is all my baking process. In the end, i need to put at least 5 hours in fridge then only can taste it.
Commet by FaMilY members.......
They said this Cheese Cake abit sour...not sweet enough
Answer : Because the top part is cover with yogurt. So the taste a bit sour is normal de, juz eat together with the oreo base then the sweetness will cover the sourness.
They said not very nice but today already left half of the cake. Eat so fast....
My own comment....CAN SEE BUT CAN'T EAT
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