yesterday....Yew Keong
spent us dinner in his "lovely" home
that's him...
aiyu....1st time in my blog already like this
next time will get a better photo for u^^

Pasta....i think 2 weeks i didn't eat pasta already
then he cooked pasta for us
u know how he cook?
nah....just same like us... but u know
but he loves to add a lot of kind ingredients that doesn't make sense
to put into the food
I can't show u how....but u just imagine it
but this pasta better....
we got control him...otherwise this morning...
hehe^^toilet will keep staying besides me
copy KFC style....
popcorn chicken
with vegetables and green apples
quite tasty
u guys can try at home

after the dinner....we talked about our homework..
what manifesto we going to write...
suddenly, donno whose idea saying
ooo..ya...then TV advertisment
13million this tuesday
then suddenly we got attracted by
13 MILLIONKeong even took out the calculator start counting
how to keep the money and how to use the money
we kept thinking those nonsense
imagine us already won the
gosh....then we think we can no need to study anymore
In the end, we planned to get 3 games today
haha....everyone also wanted to win
All the best to us@@
and i forgotten to mention
if we won...
we might open our company