joking moment
Hanging out with those budhist association friends coz 1 of our friend is going to USM to futher her studies. Haiz....1by1 is leaving us...xianz man. Somemore don't know when u all holiday or maybe that time i will not here again. Anyway, that day we having our drinks behind Klang Parade er...but i forgot what is the shop name....quite funny name. hahaha. That day jokes were over "limitation" & i don't know u guys that night had any bad dreams occur. Or simply midnight woke up and keep laughing. I juz talked fewwords or act stewpid also could made those ppl laugh & laugh....hey chills..sometimes i feel my jokes are juz lame than funny. But anyway, i hope i can share the laughter with u guys so that we can continuosly keep in touch no matter where are we or when we gonna meet as long as we know that person character.....enjoy LAUGHING WITH ME.....but i'm not 'siao lang'
ONLY 2 guys and 5 gurls